Usually when you are idling you are at work/school or simply asleep. If you receive a message from another user you have the option to automatically respond to said user with your own personalised, custom message.

There are different ways at which you can choose how your message will respond. You can have your message respond after every message they send to you or you have the option to respond only once per person.

Anyone sending you messages also have the option to disable AutoResponder by saying specific keywords like “stop_messages“.

You can also add custom chat commands and custom responses per Steam friend for full customisation and you can even see messages from people you have blocked or removed if they continue to message you.

  • Set your own custom message
  • Responding options such as:
    Respond to every message, Respond once per person
  • Change your AutoResponder url
  • Add custom chat commands
  • Add personalised responses per friend
  • See messages from people you blocked/removed
  • Stop AutoResponder by saying: stop_messages
  • Start AutoResponder again by saying: start_messages
  • This is an optional feature when you start your idle
  • Available on all packages

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